Knowledge is Power!

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Hello room 5.
I'm not sure if anyone checks the blog anymore seeing as the last post was in February, but I just wanted to say how much high school sucks!
Constant homework, long bus rides, and cold mornings.
I've only visited casebrook once, and am sad to say that our height chart in the girls cloakroom has been destroyed along with the rest of my hopes and dreams.
Since I'm too lazy to check the blog, (not very) Merry Christmas and a sad new year that will bring more homework and self hatred.
Also it's my birthday in 24 days, marking another year of non-existence for me. yay.
-Jacqui Neil, right honourable narcissistic cat queen and professional mud wrestler

Saturday 21 February 2015


Hey guys!
(This is Cara by the way)
Just wanted to day thank-you to Erica who has posted, it is great hearing about other people (*sniffles* I miss you all) and know that a lot of old room 5 kids want to as well.
As for me, I just came back from camp, and I am extremely exhausted, but decided to check out the blog.
Camp was amazing, but not nearly as fun as last year (last year was the best) but we did awesome activities anyway.
Such as a mud run, were we ran through a lake of mud (though really it was basically cow klunk (hehe, maze runner reference)), but I still have mud in my ear. I got stuck a couple of times in the mud,  and it took my group half an hour to get to the other side of the 8 meter long mud lake, thanks to the shoulder high mud and constant mud fights. But never the less, it was awesome.
Another activity we did was called 'Solo', were we got dropped off in a certain spot in the forest by a teacher, with no other people for another 5 minutes walking distance away, where we could not move and had no equipment other than a torch, and sat (or slept) for an hour in the pitch black with other creepy-crawlies.
The 'solo' night was definitely the most scary, not the high ropes that were 25 metres in the air or the part were I had to catch a rat.
So now my challenge is for you to make the most of every opportunity you get, because you feel amazing at the end.
Also remember that you are always welcome to post on the blog, just e-mail Mr Leith, Nikhil or myself for the e-mail and password.

-Cara the awesome

Thursday 19 February 2015


Hey, everyone! This is Erica.

I'm probably a bad role model, since we're in the middle of science but oh well. It's a good opportunity to blog about St Andrews, since everyone else is blogging about their new schools.

It's great here. The uniform is so different, though. At first, the blazer was extremely uncomfortable, I felt like I didn't fit in, and I just felt all-around awkward. Then, I met my new friend, Meg, and started to fit in slowly.

In the first few days, I followed Meg around like a lost puppy, and then began to develop habits of my own. I discovered the Library, and now I have five books in my locker, and another eight at home (thanks to the book club!).

And then I met Louis, fellow Whovian and writer. He just happened to be walking by when I was on my laptop and spotted my weeping angel background, and just like that we were friends. I also made friends with a short boy named Jack, who codes things like games. And then there's my tutor, Mr Hamilton. He's basically Mr Leith but older, which is quite nice.

Yeah, some pretty cool people go here.

Also, today I memorised pi to 27 digits. A girl in my maths class got 35, and for that we have no maths homework until Monday!

Anyway, St Andrews is great. I encourage the rest of Room 5 to write about their first days. I want to hear about them!


Wednesday 28 January 2015

First day of High school!

Bonjour! This is Cara, and I'm just posting about my first day of high school!
Well, we had a  Powhiri, then went to our tutor group (home room) and got our timetables, lockers and all that jazz.
Then we carried on the day like normal, first off with interval, then dance and science. After science, we had lunch and then Maths (my brain still hurts) and ENSS (which is English N' Social Sciences).
During the day I actually made two friends! (I'm quite proud of myself), their names are Rosie and Ruby. Guess where Rosie comes from...... New York! She even has the accent and everything, while she is here, her friends are stuck three feet under snow in a snow blizzard!
But otherwise my day went fine, (apart from almost missing the bus) so there's nothing to worry about!
That's it I guess.
If anyone want's to put their first day of high school experience on the blog, feel free to do so :)
Just e-mail myself, Mr Leith or Nikhil for the password.

Au Revoir!

Monday 26 January 2015

High school here we come

Hello,it's jacqui,aka ghetto queen jacqueeshah and I would just like to say  (even though barely anyone will read this) that some of us start  high school in 2 days. This means that we are officially not going to be a class  at casebrook anymore. This is quite upsetting as we all made some really awesome friends and learnt a lot in our time at casebrook. I would like to thank mr Leith for being so great and teaching us lots. I think we should all be proud of what we achieved together,winning multiple awards around the school- swimming sports (twice in a row!) ,athletics day,cross country...the list goes on. As your school councillor I would like to congratulate you for making it through casebrook in our slightly crazy class.
Our casebrook journey is over now.
Goodbye,and may the odds be ever in your favour.

Thursday 8 January 2015

We're Year 9's!

Hey guys, this is Ralex(Alex R), I just wanted to post the fact that we have been Year 9 for officially 8 days! I did mean to post yesterday, so it could have been a week but got distracted. Hope you are enjoying the holidays and are looking forward to High School. I have slightly mixed emotions about it...
