Knowledge is Power!

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Worms take over Room 5!

Mrs Louise Kids is teaching in our class this term. She is taking the students through a science unit investigating worms and conducting a range of experiments around them.
Comments are: 
"Worms feel really nice!" -Georgia
"Worms are disgusting" - Desiree
"I'm liking the hands on experiments" - Emily
"The worms are cool" - Caitlin N

Masterchef Mr Foot

Ginger biscuits were gingeriffic!

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Yakkety Yak Performance

Today, a group of performers from NASDA performing arts came to Casebrook Intermediate to perform "Yakkety Yak". It was about how everyone has talent inside them what people can do.

I would give this performance a 4 and a half stars for originality and great acting. If you were to go to this, you can expect singing, dancing and laughter. To me, the age for this show would be 13 and under. What I loved about the performance was the actors were animals (because to me, it added a extra level of entertainment) and how they made their own version of songs. My favourite character was the tiger because she was a powerful singer and a gifted actor, but everyone did exceptionally well.

I would definitely recommend spending your money on this incredible performance .

Yakkety Yak Review

Yakkety Yak review 
By Joseph Bull

I thought  Yakkety Yak was fantastic  because it was really funny and it had a good moral to the story. My favourite was Mayor Merkat aka 'Steve' because he was really funny and he was a good rapper.

I would give it  ***** 

NASDA Yakkety Yak Performance

The NASDA yakkety yak performance was really,really good and that all the actors were all very talented at playing their parts. I think they were amazing in the aspect that they never ever even slightly went out of character. The way that they changed the songs around to fit in with the show,and the fact they did it all themselves made it even more enjoyable. It's sort of hard to believe that they based it off the rainbow fish,seeing as everyone enjoyed it so much being our age. I liked how they didn't use any props but instead their bodies and how all of them were so full of energy,which showed that they enjoyed it as well. I think if I had to pick the best actor I would probably pick the tiger, because you could tell that she tried really hard in all that she did on the stage. I would definitely see it again and it is most certainly worth spending money on to watch.


Thursday 14 November 2013

My casebrook visit.

Hi I'm Caitlin today I have come to look around your school and decide if your school is the best. So far I have been to the library and thought it was was a nice and quiet place to be.then I went to room 5 I thought it was friendly and interesting class. I went to a couple of other classes and they were bright and colourful. Currently I am at a little country school called weedons,and looking forward to moving to a bigger school. The art,tech and music room all look like good classrooms.and if I had to rate your school on a scale of 1-10 I would easily give you a 10!

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Saturday 9 November 2013

The Outsiders - Stop Motion Animations

We have been studying The Outsiders - a novel by S. E Hinton.
Heres some scenes created using stop-motion animation.

Friday 8 November 2013

Relay Teams Success

Our class relay teams had excellent results in our school relay competition this week.

Our girls team were victorious and our boys team came a really close second. 

Great work teams.

Masterchef Henry

Straight to the top of the class Henry! Belgian biscuits!

Masterchef Matt

Delicious brownies! 

My day at Casebrook Intermediate

Hi my name is Harkeerat I came here from Westburn school to spend the day with the students in Room 5
I had a wonderful day here in Casebook.I was well looked after by Holly,Nikhil,Cara,Caitlin N and Tai-iba. They showed me around the school. I saw the library,Tech classes and the canteen. Everybody is very friendly here. I would recommend this school for children who would like lots of opportunities.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Festival Choir

Stepping into the CBS Ariena with about 2 hours a head of us and only being able to drink water.
It was long so by the end of the practise I was quite tired. 
Hours later traffic was a nightmare. You could not imagine it. It was a great idea to get out of your car and walk. 
There was a lot of people there and it was kind of creepy having the screen right behind for more people to look at. 
I really enjoyed it, it was a nice way to meet new people and get out of sports. (Don't tell anyone I said that...)

Room 5's Field Trip Week

Footage from our visits to The Scape 7 Sculpture exhibition in the city of Christchurch and The Museum of Canterbury. Thank you to all the amazing parents who helped transport our class and were able to join us on our trips.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Masterchef Alex

Another delectable treat from the master chef class of 2013. Chocolaty goodness!
Thanks Alex

Monday 4 November 2013

Northwood fair

On Sunday,  some of my family and friends (including me) had a stall at the northwood fair. We have a group called K.I.A (which stands for Kids In Action) and what we do is we fundraise money for charities.
At the fair we sold charms, pendants, soaps, cracked walnuts, and guess the amount of jellybeans in the jar.
For this project we are fundraising money for smiles, which is through worldvision, the only difference is that you can choose what you donate, for example say you have $40, you could then buy a goat for someone in Africa.
In the end, we raised $150 in profit, so we restocked a medical clinic, made a water pump, and gave someone a mosquito net (all in Africa). :) 
In the end I thought we did pretty well, and hopefully saved some lives along the way.