Knowledge is Power!

Friday 30 August 2013

Cultural festival

Hi, I'm Alice and last night was the cultural festival and Henry , Oliver , Ngakita and I performed in the kapahaka group it was really fun and we all sang really great. We were all expecting to do a haka but the people who ran the festival said no so we did a song called Lullaby  that we had practiced and it sounded really great. Me and Henry blew the shells so that was also a lot of fun and a great experience.

Hi I'm Michael and last night night I performed in the Pacifica group I thought there was a great passion in the performance . We performed a slap dance,a boys dance and a girls dance. Overall I thought we did really well In front of an audience that big and I had a lot of fun.

Hi, I'm Caitlin Cheese and last night I performed at the CBS Arena for the Korean Dance. It was really fun and I really enjoyed. All of us made mistakes but they were only little ones. I made a big mistake; I dropped my fan halfway through the performance and I'm pretty sure the camera was on me!! It was a great experience and I would definitely do it again. Mrs Clark was helping out the Korean Dancers and she was really helpful.


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