Knowledge is Power!

Saturday 31 August 2013

Production Practice Here!

Press the play button to practice your moves for our production:

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Friday 30 August 2013

Cultural festival

Hi, I'm Alice and last night was the cultural festival and Henry , Oliver , Ngakita and I performed in the kapahaka group it was really fun and we all sang really great. We were all expecting to do a haka but the people who ran the festival said no so we did a song called Lullaby  that we had practiced and it sounded really great. Me and Henry blew the shells so that was also a lot of fun and a great experience.

Hi I'm Michael and last night night I performed in the Pacifica group I thought there was a great passion in the performance . We performed a slap dance,a boys dance and a girls dance. Overall I thought we did really well In front of an audience that big and I had a lot of fun.

Hi, I'm Caitlin Cheese and last night I performed at the CBS Arena for the Korean Dance. It was really fun and I really enjoyed. All of us made mistakes but they were only little ones. I made a big mistake; I dropped my fan halfway through the performance and I'm pretty sure the camera was on me!! It was a great experience and I would definitely do it again. Mrs Clark was helping out the Korean Dancers and she was really helpful.


Sunday 25 August 2013

After School Electronics club

Electronics and Basic Computer Programming Club:

 We are opening up an after school club on a Thursday afternoon.  It will be an opportunity for the students to learn about electronics, basic programming, soldering, and using circuitry.

Interested students are invited to attend a meeting at lunchtime 12:20 on Thursday 29th August in the Hard Materials room. 

Thursday 22 August 2013

Wednesday 21 August 2013

The Necklace by Caitlin Naylor

“Are you sure we’re going the right way?”
“Of course we are. Just follow me.”
“But I can barely see you!”
Let me set the scene for you. So, we’re walking- actually, more like creeping- down a narrow alleyway and there’s a stench like 30 different kinds of animals have farted, and my acquaintance and I are both wearing black. I can’t see a thing, and its pitch black at 10pm.
So I guess you’re wondering what we’re doing, huh. Like most spies, we are trying to find a 10-carat gold necklace with about, hmm, maybe 20-carats of diamonds on it. We lost it during a training session and we have to get it back or we’re suspended from the group for 2 months.
I’ve stepped on something that’s cracked. Whew, it’s just a leaf.
“Watch where you’re going, rookie!”
Yep, she just has to call me that, doesn’t she. I’ve only been in the group for a month and she knows that I don’t know every rule and trick in the book yet.
“Hurry up, don’t slow down! We have to find it before daylight breaks!”
“I know, blah blah blah,” I muttered under my breath.
“I heard that,” said my acquaintance sternly.
She pulls out her torch quickly and points it to something shimmering on the ground. “Aha! We found it!”
“More like you found it. Anyways, why did we have to do this at night? It wasn’t that hard to find.”
“If we did it at day time, people would see us. And actually, it was very hard to find. It’s pitch black!”
“That’s why we could’ve done it at daytime!” I argued.
“Call HQ. Tell them we found it. Then we can argue.”
I was feeling a bit happier now. “Okay! I’ll get to it.”
“Hello? Yes, it’s me. I was calling to say... we found it!”

Monday 19 August 2013

Room 5's Assimilate and 'Presentate' Assignments

Some of the stuff presented at our A+P assignment presentations over the last couple of weeks...
Movies and photos at the end.

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Alex's Master Chef Term 3

Caitlin 'Cheese' Naylor's Science Badge

Last term I completed a science badge and the theme was home chemistry. It took at least 4 weeks to do and the clauses were quite hard but fun in the end. The first clause I did was making hokey pokey. I shared it with every one in the class. There is a blog about it from Term 2.
Here is a photo of Caitlin with her HOME CHEMISTRY badge!

Friday 16 August 2013

Room 5 Success in the World of Academics!

Cantamath Excellence and Highly Commended Awards!

Casebrook Cantamath Team

ICAS Science Credit Achievers

Ski trip

Yesterday 160 Casebrook students  went up to Mt Hutt for the ski trip .We turned up to school at 7:00am and then 15 minutes later we left in cars and buses headed in Mt Hutt. 2 hours later we arrived  at the mountain, excited and ready to go.
We started layering up our clothes ready to brace the cold but before we could take to the snow we had to go and get our skis ( or snowboards), boots, poles and helmets. We fitted our boots, put on our helmets and grabbed our skis and poles. We climbed the final stairway and placed our skis parallel on the snow. Our feet were placed in our skis and we pushed down until they clicked. We shuffled toward the magic carpet, a conveyer belt that took you higher up the mountain and rode up to the top. We came out the end and (kind of) skied down the mountain.After a while the wind crept up and blew ice in our faces and it wasn't so fun anymore. Then all the lifts closed and we had to climb up the mountain. This was really hard because even with our skis off we still had to carry them and our boots felt like lead strapped to our feet. But after all of this it was quite a great day and we would definitely go again.
Alex R

Performing Arts

At the moment in performing arts we are doing a dance to Teachers Pet from the movie School of Rock. To be honest, the dance is quite interesting and enjoyable. We have been working with Sandy since the start of term two and we are all loving the time we spend with her.
I can not wait till the performance. 

Desiree Smith.

Thursday 15 August 2013


On Wednesday 14th August cantamath 2013 took place  at CBS  arena.Both year 7 and 8 teams did there best but did not have a placing.The year 7 team scored 40 points out of 100 and the year 8 team scored 55 points out of 100.I was there watching the whole thing and it was very noisy and exciting.I hope to be in the team next year.

Monday 12 August 2013

Crazy cooking comp at casebrook

Today me(Caitlin mac) and Alex took part in a school cooking comp in the foods room.We made stir fry with lots of veges including broccoli,carrots,onion,baby corn and capsicum.We added beef and noodles to the veges to make a colourful stir fry.We came third place equal with two other teams and there was about ten teams in the comp.The winners were room 14 who got smoothies for their whole class.It was quite stressful because we only had an hour to make it.This might seem like a long time but its not when your in there cooking and time went by quickly.

Thursday 1 August 2013

Term 3 Underway!

This week, to start the term off in style,the students have been working on an 'Assimilate and Present' assignment. 
Students, in groups have decided on something, relevant to them, they wish to learn about and then have to present their new knowledge in an interesting and creative way. 
It's great to see the students so keen and so creative with their presentation of new knowledge as well as so co-operative!
Culture, art and photography, sport, magic, music and much more being covered by the class. 
You can look forward to seeing the results at conferences next week.