Knowledge is Power!

Thursday 11 July 2013

Claudia's Tree

For my Casebrook Challenge one of the Challenges was to build a model of something awesome. I really wanted to do that one. I couldn't decide what I wanted to do so I tried to do something simple and not complicated.
I was looking outside at this tree that had no leaves on it and I decided to myself that I wanted to do a tree. My sister had to make up cardboard boxes and she had these little circles that just went to waste. I gathered all of them up and started to make the bottom of the tree and working my way up. I started to get more closer to doing the branches so I made the circles go to the side.
It was really hard to do and it took me ages like over two weeks. But after those two weeks I finally finished my awesome tree! I then realised that I couldn't just bring it in like that. My tree wouldn't stand up straight so I had to wrap a wire around it but it still couldn't stand. I needed to put a base so it would stand up so I got a massive bit of cardboard. It looked so plain and boring so I decided to liven it up a bit. I painted lines all around it in three different colours.

Sarah Wins Sumdog Comp, Room 5 comes Second!

Congratulations to Sarah who won the Christchurch Sumdog competition this week. A great achievement Sarah. We're all vey proud with your accurate maths!

Well done to all of you who made it into the top 100, but particularly to Sarah, Nikhil, Alex, and Isabella who made the top 10...a special mention needs to go to Alice who got the ball rolling in our class and inspired everyone to get stuck in!

Room 5 came second overall, beaten at the post by St Patricks school. Great work everyone on the class that was able to spend time on it at home and at school.

A great week of maths success!
Mr Leith

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Christchurch Sumdog Competition

Room 5 is currently second in our Chch Sumdog comp. Due to the excellent application of students in bonus class time as well as at home we are streaking to the front! Come on guys! If you haven't entered yet then do so now...

Sarah Leading Sumdog's Christchurch Competition!

This evening on 4:15 a clock news ... 
The story that gripped the world.. Sarah Lilly from Casebrook intermediate is coming first in the world ( chch ) comp in sumdog!
 We have an exclusive interview with the champion ( so far..) 
“ What was your winning question?” 
  Sarah replied “ 36 / __ = 9 “  
“ How did you feel when you gained champion? “ 
“ I felt great!!”.......... and so on and so forth.

  Sarah Lilly. :)

We also have Nikhil and Jacqui in the top 10! Go team!

Monday 8 July 2013

Sumdog Christchurch Competition is On!

Have you taken some time to hone your basic facts and beat the pants off the other schools in Christchurch, whilst representing Room 5? Do it now!
click here

Thursday 4 July 2013

Open Night Report (As it Happens!)

Olivia from Redwood is enjoying the performances. She wants to find out more about art

Caitlin from Redwood is enjoying the hiphop the most and wants to know more about the sport here.

Olivia from Redwood is enjoying learning about the opportunitys here and wants to find out more about the lauguages you can learn here.

 Olivia from Cotswold is enjoying the singing and she wants to learn more about the netball squad.

Thomas from Redwood is enjoying seeing all the people he knows and he wants to learn more about tec.
Abby from Cotswold is enjoying the dancing and wants to learn more about the tecs.

Jordan from Redwood is enjoying the science room the most and wants to learn more about the way the school works.

Yngve from Belfast is enjoying that there are lots of things to do and he wants to find out about the Casebrook rugby team.

Mrs Keen meant 420 students not 120 in her speech.

Ashton from Papunui he is enjoying looking at the classes and wants to learn more about the football squad.

Jessica from cotswold is  enjoying the singing, art, science, dancing.I  want to find out about what you can design in art and what moves you can do in kapahaka and dancing.

Jorja from Redwood is enjoying the baking and wants to find out about the other books.

Cross Country Race

Claudia's Race

It was Wednesday 3rd July and it was the day of the cross country finals. I had got through past the Canterbury's race. It was the top 20 and I had just got through because I came 20th. I got picked up from school by my dad and went to leave. I wasn't really sure where it was because I had never been here before but it wasn't far from Casebrook. We were finding a park and I realised that there was so many rocks around everywhere. 
We were walking up and there were tons of people there. They were all getting ready for their race like stretching and going for light jogs. I found my friend Harry Scott there and he walked with me around the track because I didn't really know where to go. He was giving me a few tips on what to do when you go up hills and how to get past a lot of people by sprinting and not wasting energy. Well we had to go back because my race was first and I had to start stretching to get ready. The lady called all the year 7 girls up and we had to line up at the start. The man that was starting the race rung the siren for us to go. It was hard to run at first but then I got the hang of it.
 There were so many hills that you had to go up and not many downhill parts. There was one really muddy bit that we all had to run through. I slipped there but I didn't fall over so that was lucky. It was a 1kilometre race so we had to run around it three times. I was coming down at the end of the race and I started to sprint. I crossed the finish line to find that there were quite a lot of people behind me. I knew that I hadn't made the top 10 but at least I got this far and tried my hardest. I had left because I didn't need to stay so I came back to school.
 I had come into the office and saw one of my best friend, Izzi. She asked me where I came and I said I didn't know because, well, I didn't know exactly what I came. 
I had to sign in to say that I had come back from school. We went into the classroom and I saw my other best friend Emma. All my other best friends (I have quite a few best friends) asked me what I came and again I said that I didn't know. I just carried on the rest of my day like a normal day. It was an awesome day for me!!!