Knowledge is Power!

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Georgia's Weet Bix Brownies and Sarah's Super Slice

More Masterchef magic!

Letters To Change athe a world

Our first letter to change the world has been posted! Great work Nikhil!
Stay tuned for world changing events...

Room 5 Boys Swimming Sports

On Friday 22 March all the year 7 and 8 boys went to the Wharenui pool for the swimming sports. When we got there we didn't have to wait very long to go inside the pool. Then Mr Russell called out
what we were going to be doing . After he finished speaking the races started, to start the race Mr Cook slammed two bits of wood together and the racers dived into the water and started swimming. While the races were going on the people who were not racing were watching from stands, some of them had to wait quite a long time for their races to start. When the relays finally started Matt, Joseph, Oliver and me went to the pool to do the relays. Matt was first, I was second, Joseph was third and Oliver brought us home. We came second, after Room 8.

Room 5 Chess Grand Masters

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Georgias Video on Friendship

Video made by Georgia...starring many great Room 5 personnel!

Visit from Science Alive

Today, two people from Science Alive visited Casebrook intermediate. We went inside the starlab, a huge black igloo shaped dome. Inside the dark lab, we saw many planets, learned about atmospheres and life on other planets. We also learnt that we can see some planets on earth. It was amazing seeing awesome things that happen in space. If I had another chance to see it again, I would so do it!

Written by: Nikhil

Monday 25 March 2013

Emma's Bombastic Brownies

Girls swimming sports

On wednesday the 19th the year 7 and 8 girls went to the pool and did swimming sports. we went on the bus there. we had to wait 10 minutes in the stands before it actually starterd. then mr Russle started talking to us about how the day was going to be like. Some girls would hold up a sign with the race number and if it was their number they would go down the the pool side and get ready to race in that case i was number 2,59 and relay. when the first number was called out everyone really nervous. when it was number clap we were off we sprint down the lane like it was a running race but in freestyle .i touched the wall second with emily coming in first we were all really close. we got out of the pool and we got given a card then we took it to the people who took the token then we got given another number if we got to1st 2nd place. the numbers were going through really quickly. 59 was held up which was breast stroke claudia,sarah and me was in that race. we hoped in the pool and ready clap we were going up down up down for 25 meters slap claudia hit the wall first then sarah then me. soon came the relay race 81 the relay team was me, Cara, Georgie, and Emily emily was fist then Georgie then me then Cara emily held us where we were Georgie then i passed 1 person and Cara passed 2 people and we came in 2nd.

swimming sports was really fun and the boys will have a really fun time!!

Thursday 21 March 2013

Room 5 Class Photo

Today was a day when hair product was applied, hair ties tightened, uniform ironed, socks pulled up and shows polished...that's right folks. School photo day!
A couple of practice ones below.
Photos generally come home if purchased early in term 2.
Mr Leith

Erica's Pumpkin Pie Surprise

On Wednesday I made pumpkin pie for my Casebrook challenge. I made about 36 for the class. Everybody had one and a few had two of them! Stay tuned for the recipe!

Monday 18 March 2013

Room 5's Reading Crusade

Here is the link to register for the crusade:

Only 4 books! Come on Room 5!
Mr Leith

Swimming Trip Postponed!

You can still wear your mufti as most of the year group won't know until they get to school. If you'd prefer to wear your uniform please do so!
Thanks guys, see you at school for a normal day.
Mr Leith

Friday 15 March 2013

Henry's Peppermint Chocolate

The Monarch

Pegasus Triathlon

On Wednesday the 13th March I went to Pegasus to do the triathlon zones. I had to put my bike on Mr Russell's trailer and he gave me an awesome jacket to wear. I was the only year 7 there. Then we went to Pegasus in cars. I had to go with James Lancaster and his mum. Once we got there we had to meet at the big suspension bridge to get our bikes. Once we had some of us got our bikes from Mr Russell's trailer we went into the transaction to put our bikes in the specific row. After that we had to wait until the other schools had got themselves ready then we had to line up in our age groups. Finally we got given a number. I was number 520. Now about the race.

Swim: the swim was really tough since it was a additional 25 meters more then last year which made a big difference. But overall I reckon I went really good. But the swim really failed me.

Bike: The bike was pretty easy considering I had a mountain bike and I only got passed by road bikes ( Which is kind of a good thing) This time I went really well on my bike.

Run: The run went really good considering running is my best thing.

Overall I came 99th out of 109 which even though I haven't been training I don't like my results at all.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Toms yummy lolly cake

On Wednesday I brought in some yummy lolly cake I made it all by my self but it was nowhere as good as my mums the ingredients were condensed milk , butter(500g), fruit puffs lolly and malt biscuits.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Caitlin N's brownie om nom!!

Last Wednesday, I made a chocolate brownie for my neighbours and there was lots left so I gave a piece to Mr Leith. He said it was delicious! Stay tuned for the recipe.
125g butter
1/4 cup cocoa
1 cup sugar
2 large eggs
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional)

Heat the oven to 180 C. Melt the butter until liquid in a medium sized pot then take off heat. Using a fork, mix in the cocoa, sugar, eggs, salt and vanilla. Sift in the flour and baking powder add the chopped nuts if you like and stir until evenly mixed.

Pour into a 20-23cm square tin lined with baking paper. Bake for about 30 minutes, or until firm in the centre. (Don't worry if mixture is higher at the edges than the middle- it still tastes fine!)
Cut into pieces when cold. Freeze for lunches.

Friday 8 March 2013

Final Sumdog Competition Results

The sumdog of competition is over and we did really well! Out of 80 schools we came 5th!! We all did really well but sadly none of us got in the top 50 students category but congrats to Georgia, Caitlin and Cara who all got into the top 100!
I'm sure we're all very excited and look forward to the next sumdog competition!
If anyone wants to check out the website it's

Monday 4 March 2013

Cara's fudge cake nom nom!

On Monday Cara brung her grandma's famous fudge cake!
(Warning:it contains sultanas)
Some people love it some people hate it!
Here's the recipe:

Fudge Cake:

•8oz (225 g) butter
•8oz (225 g) sugar
•3tbs cocoa
•1cup walnuts (I use none )
•1 cup sultanas (I use 2)
•1tsp vanilla
•2 eggs
•3 cups of crushed biscuits

Put first five for ingredients into sauce pan ( I use a microwave)
Melt all together, till boiling. Add beaten eggs and lastly add biscuit crumbs. Put mix mix into tin. When set ice with chocolate icing.

Then eat! Nom nom

Michael's Chocolate Chip Cookies

I made chocolate chip biscuits about two weeks ago. If you don't know what chocolate chip biscuits are well the name explains it. They are mouth watering biscuits filled with tiny chocolate chips .Once you have mixed the wet ingredients with the dry you roll the mixture into a ball and softly flatten the dough with the back of a fork and put in the oven .after a couple of minutes of baking check them and take out when ready you will know that they are ready by seeing if they have set .

Room 5 Take on NZ in Sumdog

Sumdog is a great interactive maths website that the students of room 5 can use for their maths homework. Currently Room 5 students are in a competition with other schools in New Zealand and we are doing exceptionally well! Cara is in the top 20,  Caityln N the top 40, and Nikhil, Claudia, and Oliver in the top 100. Overall our class is 3rd. The competition ends at the end of the week. C
Come on Room 5!

Caitlin's Cinnamon Biscuits

Today I brought in some cinnamon biscuits for my Casebrook challenge. Here is the recipe

Cinnamon biscuits


250g plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
100g butter
1 tsp ginger or cinnamon
2 tbsp golden syrup
100g brown sugar
edible decorations


1.Rub butter into the flour until the mixture resembles fine bread crumbs.

2.Stir in ginger/cinnamon,brown sugar and baking powder.Then, spoon in the golden syrup and continue mixing until soft dough forms.

3.Place dough on small plate and cover with cling film.Chill in the fridge for 30 minutes.

4.During those 30 minutes preheat the oven to 180C/375F/gas mark 5 and line 2 baking trays with baking paper.

5.After flouring your work surface and rolling pin, roll the dough out to about 1cm thick, then cut out the biscuits with cookie a cutter.

6.Cook the biscuits in the pre-heated oven for about 10 minutes or until they are firm.

7.remove from oven leave for 5-10 minutes to cool.

8.decorate using the edible decorations.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Caitlin N's Science Experiment

I made a naked egg. To do the experiment, you get a raw egg and put it in a jar full of vinegar. Leave it in a safe place for 24 hours, then the next day, refresh the vinegar and leave it for another 24 hours. After that, refresh the vinegar again and THIS time, you leave it for 7 days! After that, take the egg out of the jar and you will notice that the shell has gone and the egg has expanded. When I did the experiment, I put the egg in a jar too small and I couldn't get it out! As you can probably feel, the egg is VERY fragile so try not to pop it!

Alex R's Muffin Special

On Friday I brought some chocolate-chip muffins to school as part of my Casebrook Challenge .Do not ever make anything out of the boiled egg and beyond cookbook .The recipes are terrible! I think they turned out o.k though. :)