Knowledge is Power!

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Mega-speech Day

Room 5 held a speech day today where everyone spoke on a topic related to 'it's not fair'. 
Amazing efforts from everyone involved. A really proud moment to see such confidence and quality performed in every speech. What a great class!
Mr Leith

Videos of each speech will be uploaded to the blog soon. 

Room 5 representing at Cantamaths

Awesome work from Harry, Michael,Emily  and Caitlin Mac on the floor and team reserve Sarah in the stands ensured our Casebrook year 8 Cantamath did a great job, coming in the top 25 out of over 90 teams. 
Well done guys!

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Room 5 Cantamath Domination

Out A and B teams tied to both come first in our school Cantamath competition today. Well done teams! 

The 'B' Team

The 'A' Team


Our Room 5 blog has cracked the 10,000 view mark! Thanks for taking time out of your day to see what has been going on in our class.

Friday 8 August 2014

Goodbye Je Hyun!

Our Korean exchange student, Je Hyun had his last day with us in Room 5.

Macbeth - The Play

If you missed any of the play or readings then you can watch this outstanding version of 'The Scottish Play' here:

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Georgia's Marshmellow

For Masterchef Challenge I made some colourful marshmallow. It's really easy to make here's the recipe :

2 dessert spoons of gelatine
1 cup of cold water 
1 cup of sugar 
Food colouring

Soak the gelatine in the water for 15 minutes.
Once soaked add the sugar.
On the stove bring it to the boil and once it's boiling simmer for 10 minutes.
Wait for it to fully cool down and then you can add your food colouring.
Beat the mixture until it's thick and pour it into a tin.
Put in the fridge until it sets and then you have Marshmallow !

By Georgia.

Friday 1 August 2014

And They Called It Puppy Love...

Show prep has started!

Recently we have started practicing for the show later this term. Our song is "we're all in this together" from high school musical.
Our dance is coming together really well and there is a high level of enjoyment all around, the dance teacher Natalie said we were easily the best class.
For a snippet of what it looks like at the moment, click on the link below.
**PLEASE NOTE** This is definitely not our best practice!

Staff v Student Netball Game

On Friday 1st August, the A+B mixed netball team versed the staff in a game of netball.
As  you would think,there was quite a big height difference but the students persevered making some good intercepts,passes and shots,but so did (some of) the staff.
In the end,the teachers won 15-4, but team members from each team would beg to differ.
The real score was ?-6,but the staff did win either way due to Mr.Meads' amazing shooting skills.