Knowledge is Power!

Thursday 26 September 2013

Some Market Day Pics

Casebrook Market Day a Hit!

Our market day today was a huge success. Both in the amount of money groups made but also in the amount of learning that took place in regards to financial literacy and the whole logistical operation involved for each group

Thanks very much for all the time parents put in with students to help them be prepared. They were all buzzing (partly sugar over-dose not doubt) after the market and it was a great way to end the term. It was great to see so many family members of our class down at school today.

Overall our class made a profit of $500 which means investors will see a full return in most cases! All groups sold out (or nearly sold out) of product and handled themselves brilliantly.

Mr Leith

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Market Day On Thursday - We Need You!

Market Day is Nearly Here!

Lots happening in class today as the students businesses kicked into the last day of preparation for this Thursday's market day.

Its my turn to cook tonight

Over the holidays why not try this awesome online school holiday program.Its a free program and just by joining you are in the draw to win a iPad mini and lots more during the program.All the action begins 10am 2nd October and registrations are now open.

Monday 23 September 2013

For When Your Casebrook Challenge is Finished for the term...

I've been shown this excellent and simple website which allows you to play each other in Pong. You wont know about Pong but your parents will! Try it out and see how you get on. You can play each other in Google Chrome:
Mr Leith

Final Production Photos

Here's a little slideshow we whipped up at school today for your post-production nostalgia. Thanks to all the parents for their support and all the students for making our performance so polished and memorable!
Mr Leith

Warm Fuzzie Day

Emily talks about Warm Fuzzie day...

On Friday 20 September I did a Warm Fuzzie day for my Casebrook Challenge. Here is how it works: There is a game and an all day box. The game is called Pay it Forward, and here is how you play. Everyone stands in a massive circle, and then pick a person to start.

 The selected person pays a compliment to the person to their right and so on until you come back to the start, and then turn around to go back the other way. If there is both genders try and mix them up as much as possible.

 The all day box is a shoebox with no lid, and everybody who played Pay it Forward puts in two compliments. During the day when you feel down in the dumps, take out a compliment. Have a lot of fun :)
By Emily j

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Masterchef Caitlin

Caitlin (Cheese) Naylor's now famous Cheese Muffins. Tasty and delicious. Erica even fed one to her dog called muffin who also agreed!

Market Day Ad Playing in Production Interval

This advertisement was made by Georgia and Harry...great job guys!

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Market Day!

Here are our advertisements for the Market Day next week. We will be selling our products on Thursday 26th September, starting at 10.50am
We hope to see you there!

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Friday 13 September 2013

Pre production nerves

It's the day of our first performance!

I'm really excited but nervous at the same time because I don't want to make a mistake.Georgie

I'm a bit nerves but not really thinking about it. Desiree. 

My face really stands out and it's gonna be fun. Tom

Im feeling really nervous but hopefully it will be AWESOME. Jacob 

That's what a few people in room 5 are thinking right now. In about two minutes we are performing and it's gonna be really good (hopefully) so wish us luck!

'The Outsiders' Resources

If you don't take a novel home you can access various versions of The Outsiders by following these links:


Online Version:

Thursday 12 September 2013

ICAS Writing Test Success!

A huge congratulations to:

who received a DISTINCTION in the very tough ICAS Writing test. An excellent achievement.

Congrats also to
SARAH and OLIVIA who received a CREDIT in the ICAS Writing test.

Well done girls!

ICAS Spelling Test Awesomeness!

A huge congratulations to:
who both received DISTINCTIONS in the ICAS spelling test.

A big congratulations also to:
who received CREDITS in the ICAS spelling test.

Results have just come in and were published in the newsletter today. Congratulations girls!

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Calm Before The Storm

Here is the Room 5 two days before our first production performance. Expect much to change over the next week!

Mr Leith

Monday 9 September 2013

Faces of Room 5!

Heres a video made by Caitlin (Cheese) and Nikhil...
It's the faces of Room 5 in Term 3!

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Production rehearsal

Today was the exciting day of the beatbrook intermediate production dress rehearsal. It has been so amazing seeing the other acts so far and seeing them being growled at to be more energetic, put more effort at deliver more. Our class is first to perform and the tension bar was high. What do we do? Where do we go? This was the magic of the rehearsal where all the secrets were uncovered. We were  1000000000% much better. Plus, the lighting for our act is amazing. You can't ask for anything more than strobe lights.

Right now I am seeing the cast getting ready for their next scene. Sarah from our class is doing her part. She's pretty good. Now to see the rest.

I really cannot wait to see it all come together. It will be three nights to remember in intermediate history!!!!!!!!
By Nikhil

Photos from Dress Rehearsal

Dress Rehearsal Day!

We are currently sitting in the hall running through our paces for the show starting this Friday and then going through until next week. Loads of nerves!

Friday 6 September 2013

Alex in the Speech Finals

An amazing second place position!

Current Events Teams at Westburn School

A missing Matt...

Busy week Wrapped up

Another busy week has come to an end. Particular kudos should go to the two teams at the Canterbury OTD current events quiz. 
Our A team of Matt, Aaron and Alex came in the top 30 and beat our school year 8 team. Our B team of Nikhil, Taiiba and Jacob came in the 'top' 70. 

Alex has also had success in our school Speech competition, coming second with her speech on 'Kindness being the greatest invention'. 
Congratulations must also go to Olivia and Sarah who also spoke impressively during the speech finals. 
Well done guys!

Mr Leith

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Festival Choir

Today Erica ,Desiree and I went to Christs College for a festival choir rehearsal.It was a rehearsal with the other schools in the festival which is happening on the 31st October( Halloween). We are singing a lot of old songs that we have never heard before mixed with some slightly newer more popular songs. We will be performing in the CBS arena next term. I am looking forward to this because it will be fun to sing lots of different songs with lots of different people. Only I don't want it to come too fast because we have a lot of work to do.
Alex R

Monday 2 September 2013

I am watching Room 5's production practise - Guest Blogger

I am here watching the room 5 production practise. I will be documenting everyone  in this practise.
About 10 people are standing at the back and gradually moving forward. Now they are at the front doing some crazy dance moves. The people on the sides are giving an amazing performance. Then as the guitarists were doing a little pretend song on their guitars the drama teacher interrupted it and room 11 jumped on for their practise. Now they are off the stage and the drama teacher is explaining a  new setup for them. She has got 7 people to have red ties and now she wants 4 strong boys. I wonder what she's doing? I see, the boys were moving some boxes that seemed to be heavy. Now mr Leith has gotten everyone together and is counting how many people have ties of their own. Ahhh finally a bit more action, room 5 are on the stage getting into their positions. The drama teacher is helping to keep everyone quite while mr leith has a quick talk with someone. I was just filming and I got about 1 minute 30 in for it.
Guest Blogger Katherine