Knowledge is Power!

Friday 22 February 2013

22 February Memorial

On the 22nd of February 2011 tragedy struck as a earthquake hit the town of Christchurch. Today, Casebrook intermediate held a small memorial for the people who died. Some year 7 students wrote a speech to share their experience when it happened. We also had two minutes of silence to remember the people who died.
Nikhil and Holly

Olivia's lolly cake

Today I brought in a cake but not just any old cake, A LOLLY CAKE! If you have never heard of a lolly cake it's a biscuity goodness with colourful hard yet soft lollies in it. It has a very sweet sickly essence inside of its soft texture. It melts in your mouth when you take your first bite and you'll be begging for more
when it's all gone. Stay tuned for the recipe!

Matts Cookies!!!

Matt brought in some awesome cookies yesterday they were choc chip and tasty! They were so good!
He got them from Cadbury kitchen on the Internet.

Max's Afghans

I made some Afghans last week but when I was making them I made a bit of a mistake see you were supposed to soften the butter and put sugar with it but instead of that i accidentally put the sugar with the other ingredients.But at least the class liked them.

By Max

Room 5 School Councillors

Last week Room 5 had to write a speech to say if they wanted to be in the school council. Most people wrote to try get to be the school councillor but some people didn't want to be the councillor so they would say "Don't vote for me but vote for ...".The best campaign against each other was Joseph and Aaron against Max.The winners for the school council were Cara
as the school councillor, Michael for deputy and Holly for deputy of the deputy's.Congratulations for everyone who tried out.

Tuesday 19 February 2013


Yesterday we went surfing at Scarborough beach in Sumner with room 6. We first arrived to find Aaron and the team waiting to show us all the dos and don'ts of surfing and body-boarding. We all had a great time even Mr Leith had a go. Here are some pictures of us all having a good time!
by Caitlin M

Friday 15 February 2013

Kapahaka performance

Yesterday was the first kapahaka performance we performed at our school hangi. A hangi is food like chicken beef and pigs heads cooked under ground. It takes a whole day to prepare the hangi. 3 and 1/2 hours for the food 4 and 1/2 hours to dig the hole and to prepare the veges, pigs heads, and the chicken and beef. Anyway back to kapahaka. Kapahaka is a Maori singing and action group. I was so nervous, so was my friend Danika but then after the first song it was really fun.
I felt really short behind the tall year 8's and I felt scared too.
That was my Thursday night bye everyone.

Joseph's White Chocolate Chip Doughnuts


3 cups plain flour
1 cup of caster sugar
3 teaspoons of baking powder
250g of butter, melted
11/2 cups of milk
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 cup of white or dark chocolate bits(if big cut them up)

1.Preheat the doughnut machine. Combine the dry ingredients in a large bowl
   Make a well in the centre. Whisk in the butter, milk, eggs and chocolate bits
   until mixture forms a smooth batter.
2.Spray machine with cooking oil. Fill bases of preheated doughnut rings with
   half of the batter. Close the lid and cook for 6 minutes or until the doughnuts
   are golden and cooked. Use a non-stick spatula or tongs to transfer doughnuts
   to a wire rack. Repeat with the remaining batter to make 30 doughnuts in total.


Thursday 14 February 2013

Casebrook's Hangi

Today room 5 enjoyed the experience of watching our annual Casebrook community hangi being prepared. Matua Willie and Whaia Tania showed us the intricate details of prep work that goes into feeding 200 people.
Fiery pits, pigs heads and cabbage leaves made for an interesting experience.

Desiree's Slice

Today as part of the Casebrook Master chef Challenge Desiree brought into school some amazing Belgian slice. This also happens to be Mr Leith's favourite cake. He looked pretty chuffed. It tasted delectable and exotic with its spices and its sugary goodness.
Here is a photo of Desiree's slice:

Belgium Slice Recipe


               125g butter, softened                             
            1/4 cup brown sugar                                   
     1 egg                                                                 
                         2 cups champion standard plain flour                       
                       1 teaspoon edmonds baking powder   
1 teaspoon cinnamon 
      1 teaspoon groung ginger
  1 teaspoon mixed spice
    1 teaspoon cocoa

3/4 to 1 cup icing suger 
1/4 teaspoon raspberry or vanilla essence 
few drops red food colouring water 

1/2 cup raspberry jam, approximately

Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add egg and beat well. Sift flour, baking powder, cinnamon,ginger mixed spices and cocoa together. Mix into creamed mixture to make a firm dough. 
On  a lightly floured board roll dough out to 3 mm thickness. cut out rounds using a 6.5 cm cutter.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Today was my birthday

Today I brought in a wholemeal banana yogurt cake as part of my Casebrook challenge on my birthday.
I had a lot of good feedback on my cake even some of the teachers!

Last P.A.T test YAY!

Room 5 has just finished our last P.A.T test for the term!
We have worked so hard, I don't think we're used to it after our long break!
I think we need a extra long PE session,Mr Leith!:)

Monday 11 February 2013

Room 5 are up and away!

Here's room 5 in action. We have been getting stuck into independent and group work.
Here's us in action...
Mr Leith

Surfing Day

Room 5 will be 'hanging ten' on Monday 18th with room six. Our exciting surfing trip will see the students have a go surfing for the first time.
We would love for parents to join us on a great way to start any week!
Mr Leith

Our First Post

The first post of the year!
A big thank you to Joseph who, as part of his Casebrook Challenge, cooked and brought into school the most amazing white chocolate donuts! Enough fir the entire class. Stay tuned for his recipe...
I can assure you they were so delicious that only 2 were left by the time I could take a photo. Look forward to more tales of delight courtesy of the students of room 5.
Mr Leith