Knowledge is Power!

Sunday 30 March 2014

Faces In Things!

Ove the weekend i stumbled across this website on twitter. Surely the greatest reason for the internet's existence…
Click here for the site:

Perhaps you could find some of your own around the house for a fun creative Casebrook Challenge?

Some examples of it's greatness below:

Happy Birthday Max!

12 Years old this weekend

Friday 28 March 2014

Donkey Droppings Are Back!

Masterchef Aaron has delighted us all with his world famous donkey droppings. 
Tastier than they sound!

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Rest In Peace Charlie

One of our caterpillars has unfortunately not made it through life in Room 5. A respectful yet fondly remembered burial took place yesterday afternoon. Farewell Charlie! May Lola live on in your memory.

Sunday 23 March 2014

The Everything Assignment - Russian Revolution Explained

The links between Animal Farm and The Russian Revolution have been discussed in class. If you miss the session please watch this to catch up on the knowledge!


The Everything Assignment - Anne Frank's Story

Click on this link to catch up with the Anne Frank Doco:

Part 1: Part 2:

Thursday 20 March 2014

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Olivia, Matt and Oliver who have turned 12 the last couple of days!

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Sumdog Daily Champions!

Congratulations to us as we have earned our first ever daily champion prize on Sumdog. And congrats to Sarah who was the lead student in the competition for 3 days.
Now we can also congratulate Jacqui who is the new leader!
Plus Sarah, Claudia and Nikhil are in the top 5. Outstanding work Room 5!

Room 5 Class Photos

School Photo day! 
Haven't they grown up so much?
Photos will be available to purchase early next term. 

World Vision Ben

Room 5 were joined by Room 6 to hear about how being a global citizen now and in the future will have a positive impact on their world. 
This was a great message but also extremely relevant as Room 5 are soon to plan their 'futuretopias'. 

Monday 17 March 2014

Kayla's Shave for Cancer

Just a friendly reminder that if you'd like to donate to Kayla's Shave for Cancer appeal tomorrow then bring a gold coin on Tuesday (tomorrow). We'll donate to her cause together as a class.
If you'd like to donate as a family you might like to visit her website:
Click Here

Masterchef Madness!

Two master chefs in one day! Thanks Holly and Cara. A great way to start the week. 

Sunday 16 March 2014

Sumdog Comp 1 for 2014

We have entered into our first Sumdog competition for the year…all going well so far for Sarah and Claudia! Go Room 5!

Friday 14 March 2014

Sumdog Chch Competition

Get going on Sumdog when the weather turns nasty this weekend and let's beat those kids from Breens! Email me for your password if you need.
Mr Leith

Life in Pre-War Nazi Germany

Here are the links to the documentaries we have looked at this week to help you understand what society was like in pre-war Nazi Germany. Understanding these will help with your writing next week. 

Life for Young People in Nazi Germany:
  - Part 1 -
  - Part 2 -

Life in Hitler's Germany - Nora's story:
 - Part 1 -
 - Part 2 -

Anne Frank's Short life - (Whilst this isn't set in Nazi Germany it is a fascinating story)
- Click Here -

Tuesday 11 March 2014

A Day in the 'City'

A day in the city. Loads of stimulating projects to observe and look at societies we live in. Thanks so very much to Anne McClimont who was able to join us today. 
Video to come!

Masterchef Caitlin

Girl guide biscuit fudge! Two if the greatest things ever combined into one of the greatest things ever!
Thanks Caitlin!

Friday 7 March 2014

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Animal Farm - Our Novel Study Begins!

Here are some links to help you keep up with the text and investigate it further:

Novel online:  Click Here

You tube Audio Book: Click Here

Sunday 2 March 2014

Georgia's 'Fat cake'

As suggested in the title, this cake is yet to receive the heart foundation tick. 
But was most definitely enjoyed by all who tried it!